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Meet Euka's Co-founders, Doctors Shawn & Bita Nasseri

Meet Euka's Co-founders, Doctors Shawn & Bita Nasseri

2 min read

Get To Know Euka Co-Founders, Doctors Bita & Shawn Nasseri

Today it is all about showing gratitude for the crucial work physicians and front line workers do for patients, communities, and society as a whole. Whether it’s helping people survive Covid-19 or helping people feel better year-round, doctors love sharing their expertise. 

To celebrate National Doctor’s’ Day, Euka Co-Founders, Doctors Bita and Shawn Nasseri share their favorite wellness tips—and a bit about themselves so you can get to know them better.  These super docs take pride in sharing their innovative health rituals developed over 20 years of practicing medicine and inspired by holistic and western medicine. 

Euka Co-Founders, Doctors Bita and Shawn Nasseri, Euka Wellness, thank physicians and frontline workers


Get To Know EUKA’s Doctors AKA Our Co-Founders

Dr. Bita Nasseri

Medical Expertise: Transplant & Cardiac-Trained Anesthesiologist

Mayo Clinic, USC, and UCLA-trained, I specialized in cardiac, transplant, airway, and outpatient anesthesia.

My Passions

I’m a proud parent to three children who inspire my passion for preventive and holistic care. I care deeply about public health and making healthcare more accessible to all.

Why I Become A Doctor

I genuinely care about how people feel. It’s satisfying to see positive outcomes in my patient’s health.

Who Inspires Me 

My parents. They showed immense courage, perseverance, selflessness, and always prioritized family.

My Top 3 Wellness Tips

  1. Be good to your body. That means eating well, getting plenty of sleep, and exercising regularly.
  2. Engage in activities that inspire you! Do things that make you feel good, and that you enjoy, like spending time with friends and family. 
  3. Think outside the box in terms of your own wellness. 

My Favorite Wellness Rituals

  1. Taking my daily Fite Vite Multi-Vitamin + Immunity Boost. It’s easy-to-take and it feels good knowing I’m doing something good for my body every day.
  2. Enjoying the immediate relaxation, aroma, and essential oils of the Molecular Helmet Wellness Roller. 


Dr. Shawn Nasseri 

Medical Expertise: Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeon & Doctor to the stars

For over 20 years, as a Harvard and Mayo Clinic trained surgeon, I’ve treated celebrated musical artists and entertainers across the world. I offer the same red carpet treatment to all patients – famous or not. 

My Passions

With the introduction of Euka, I’m thrilled to share my lifelong medical and personal wellness protocol with the world, and to empower others to live their healthiest lives. Did I mention I love dad jokes?

Why I Become A Doctor

I love helping people navigate difficult times.

My Top 3 Wellness Tips

    1. Proper nutrition, adequate sleep and regular exercise are crucial.
    2. Be proactive about your healthy lifestyle. Don’t wait for problems to come up. Make lifestyle modifications now to help avoid big invasive procedures, like surgery, in the future.
    3. Be your own health advocate. Understand your choices, treatments and solutions.

Who Inspires Me 

My mentors in the field of ENT. They’re selfless, caring, curious and determined.

My Favorite Wellness Rituals

    1. I use the Wellness Saline Nasal Spray every day to minimize dryness and keep my nose clean, which reduces my chances of getting sick.
    2. I really enjoy taking my Fite Vite Multi-Vitamin + Immunity Boost every day – it’s like eating a delicious fruit gusher!

Want to follow our incredible doctors’ orders?

Experience Bita and Shawn’s expert preventative care with Euka’s innovative, doctor-formulated wellness system!