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Due to inventory and cost challenges since the pandemic, we've made the difficult decision to close our store and discontinue all products Due to inventory and cost challenges since the pandemic, we've made the difficult decision to close our store and discontinue all products
Euka Wellness Bento

Not sure where to begin?
Try the Euka Wellness Bento!
(Makes a great gift too!)

The ultimate 2-week trial bundle that includes every Euka ritual.
Shop Now
What’s Included

• Wellness Saline Spray x 1 (15 day supply)
• Molecular Helmet Wellness Roller x 1 (30 day supply)
• Wellness Antiseptic Spray x 1 (15 day supply)
• Sanitizing Wipes (5 single packs)
• Fite Vite Multi-Vitamin Sachet x3 (15 day supply)
• Shower Bombs (2 tablets)

Euka Wellness Bento

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